Gerald Joe Moreno

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Sathya Sai Organisation Needs No Defense

Robert Priddy (a caustic critic and defamer of Sathya Sai Baba and others) said the following about Dr G Venkataraman and Joe Moreno’s defense of the Sathya Sai Organisation:

Robert Priddys Ridiculous Claims About The Sathya Sai Organisation

Robert Priddys Ridiculous Claims About The Sathya Sai Organisation

Robert Priddy: “Despite Moreno’s oyymoronic claim that the Sathya Sai Organization needs no defending, it has been defended by Dr. G. Venkarataman of Radio Sai and also massively by Moreno himself. This defense was done because of documented evidence and testimony on a large scale of its unaccountability, planned disinformation and deceptions of the public, covering up and ignoring crimes, including murder and sexual molestations of which all its leaders are aware. They have failed to exercise duty of care and ignored mandatory reporting.”

It is entirely true that the Sathya Sai Organisation does not need to be defended from any bona-fide or legal complaints because none have ever been filed with the police or courts of law in India.

The only defenses offered by Dr G Venkataraman and Joe Moreno for the Sai Organisation are those that expose the massive fraudulence of critic’s smear, disinformation, hate and defamation campaigns against Sathya Sai Baba on the internet.

Robert Priddy said that the Sai Organisation “failed to exercise duty of care and ignored mandated reporting” regarding allegations of sexual abuse (an argument parroted by Barry Pittard). Actually, the only people who have “failed to exercise duty of care and ignored mandated reporting” regarding sexual abuse are alleged victims and their mothers and fathers who have all (without exception) failed and refused to file a single police complaint, court case or public grievance in India against Sathya Sai Baba. These irrefutable facts strongly argue that Sathya Sai Baba never abused anyone and alleged victim’s accounts are highly unbelievable and come from non-credible sources.

The big question that Robert Priddy, Barry Pittard and other critics continually ignore is:

WHY should the Sai Organisation resort to the legalistic process of “mandated reporting” regarding internet rumors when all of the alleged victims (without exception) and all of their mothers, fathers and relatives (without exception) have all failed and refused to resort to the legalistic process of “mandated reporting” themselves against the Sai Organisation?

Robert Priddy’s argument is reverse logic. Instead of harping on the legal and moral duties of the Sai Organisation, he should be focusing on the legal and moral duties of alleged victims and their mothers and fathers (all of whom have never filed any sort of legalistic complaints in India against Sathya Sai Baba).

Priddy’s argument is akin to accusing a person of theft, demanding that the thief publicly repent and turn himself into the police although there are no police complaints or court cases alleging theft!

Robert Priddy can interpret Moreno’s exposure of his embarrassing lies as a “defense” of the Sai Organisation if he so chooses. In fact, if anyone is defending the Sai Organisation, it is Robert Priddy! Why? Because Robert Priddy’s claims are so exaggerated, his pathos so caricatured, his libels so brazen, his arguments so flawed, his bitterness so palpable, his hissy fits so shrieking, no one in his/her right mind can believe anything Robert Priddy has to say against the Sathya Sai Organisation.

Robert Priddy is an LSD Advocate and publicly defends Alaya Rahm (the prime interviewee on the Secret Swami Documentary) although Alaya self-disclosed (in official court records) that he was a college drop-out and a decade-long daily-user of illegal street drugs and alcohol seeking a large money settlement from the Sathya Sai Baba Society Of America! The end result of Alaya’s court case: Self-Dismissed With Prejudice! Robert Priddy is also a fierce defender, promoter and associate of Conny Larsson, an ex-devotee turned self-professed Prophet and Psychic Trance Medium! And to top it all off, Robert Priddy fabricated sexual molestation claims against Moreno. If Robert Priddy has the temerity to falsify sexual molestation claims against Moreno, what other stories of sexual molestation is he falsifying as well?

Thank goodness that very few revel in Robert Priddy & Barry Pittard’s bigoted campaigns to substitute rumor and gossip for bona fide evidence. The only defense the Sai Organisation requires is against the voluminous lies, conspiracies, propaganda and rhetoric dispersed against it by people who have shown themselves (time and again) to be pathological prevaricators.

Barry Pittard – Critic Of Sathya Sai Baba Unfit To Be A Father

Barry “Pitbull” Pittard (a caustic critic and defamer of Sathya Sai Baba who has attacked Gerald Joe Moreno extensively on his WordPress blog) has widely and pervasively solicited himself on the internet as a main spokesperson for the Anti-Sai Movement and as an “International Coordinator” to bring Sathya Sai Baba to “justice”. Barry Pittard boasted that he sent thousands of emails to people all around the world making complaints against Sathya Sai Baba (even sending a threatening email to Cooper Union at 2:36 a.m.).

On the internet, Barry Pittard has self-disclosed:

  1. His full name.
  2. His email addresss.
  3. His current home address.
  4. His full phone number.
  5. The name of his son, Sai Isa (Screencap Reference).
  6. The name of his former mate, Shanti McIvor.

Barry Pittard is:

  1. An extensively self-solicited critic of Sathya Sai Baba on the internet.
  2. A main spokesperson for the Anti-Sai Movement.
  3. An alleged “International Coordinator” for the Anti-Sai Movement.
  4. The head of “media relations” for the bogus F.D.S.S.B. (Former Devotees Of Sathya Sai Baba) “Global Coalition”.
  5. A free-press-release junkie who released his full contact details (including phone number, address and email address) on numerous free “press release” websites.
  6. An obsessive propagandist who has sent thousands of Anti-Baba emails to an entire spectrum of individuals all around the world.

Therefore, it can be abundantly evidenced that Barry Pittard is a prime participant, main spokesperson and public figure in the Sai Controversy.

Although Barry Pittard has been a vocal critic of Sathya Sai Baba since 1999, he never released a public picture of himself until April 22nd 2009 (when he was well established on the internet as a prominent critic and public figure in the Sai Controversy). The very first public picture that Barry Pittard decided to release of himself was with his son Sai Isa (Reference)!

Sai Isa is Barry Pittard’s out-of-wedlock son (whom he fathered in his late 50’s with a 20/21 year-old girl) and who was named after his former Indian Guru, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (whom Barry Pittard once hailed as God Incarnate). Both Shanti McIvor and Barry Pittard decided not to change Sai Isa’s name, so he still bears that name. The reason why this is so very disturbing is because Barry Pittard is currently a very vocal and vicious Anti-Sai Activist who spearheads many gutter, smear and hate campaigns against his former Guru, whom he erroneously, obsessively and fallaciously accuses of being a “serial pedophile”, “homosexual”, “fraud”, “implicated in murders”, among numerous other slurs and wholly unsupported defamations & libels. Strange enough, Barry Pittard still believes (even after his defection) that Sathya Sai Baba possesses genuine paranormal powers and even claimed that the Guru foretold the birth of his son (Sai Isa) when he was allegedly observing celibacy.

Gerald Joe Moreno predicted that a day was coming fast when Sai Isa would seek the meaning and history of his name and would discover the truth about his father Barry Pittard and his history with Sathya Sai Baba. That day has since come to fruition (as acknowledged by Robert Priddy on his WordPress blog). Needless to say, Sai Isa will be scarred for life and will probably develop some sort of mental complex after being teased and bullied by others that his own father (Barry Pittard) named him after a Guru (Sathya Sai Baba) he hates, defames and constantly accuses (with no proof, mind you) of being a raping, killing and homosexual serial pedophile who runs “elite pedophile rings” and people trafficking rings throughout the world!

As if this is not bad enough, Barry Pittard actually had the egotistical audacity to publicly release his very first public picture with his son Sai Isa on MySpace (which allows internet users to duplicate, email, save, print, embed and share pictures)! This is unconscionable! Barry Pittard is unfit to be a father.

Barry Pittard is filled with blackness against his former guru Sathya Sai Baba. Since Barry Pittard’s son (i.e., ‘Sai Isa’) was named after Sathya Sai Baba, some have questioned whether Barry Pittard’s blackness has been projected on his son as well. Otherwise, why would Barry Pittard release his very first public picture with his son on his lap, release his son’s name on the internet in relation to the Sai Controversy and refuse to change his son’s name?

  1. Sai Isa is a living and breathing remnant of Barry Pittard’s history and involvement with Sathya Sai Baba.
  2. Sai Isa’s birth and gender were prophesized by Sathya Sai Baba many years before he was born.
  3. Sai Isa was conceived when Barry Pittard was a devotee of Sathya Sai Baba.
  4. Sai Isa was conceived when his mother was a devotee of Sathya Sai Baba.
  5. Sai Isa was named after Sathya Sai Baba.
  6. Sai Isa was used to promote Sathya Sai Baba via the BabaSlings business.
  7. Sai Isa currently lives with Barry Pittard where he is unremittingly subjected to, influenced with and brainwashed with Anti-Baba propaganda on a daily basis.
  8. Barry Pittard himself publicly released Sai Isa’s name (in relation to the Sai Controversy) on the internet (Screencap Reference).
  9. Barry Pittard himself publicly released Sai Isa’s picture on the internet and only removed it once threatened with legal action by Shanti McIvor.
  10. Barry Pittard allowed his 12 year-old son to friend sexually active lesbians and a nudist on MySpace (Reference).
  11. Barry Pittard forcibly deleted Sai Isa’s MySpace account, restricting the boy’s internet activity and further isolating him from friends.

Barry Pittard’s public smear campaigns against Sathya Sai Baba and others have already begun to affect the life of Sai Isa. Barry Pittard doesn’t care because he is an old man who has nothing to lose. Barry Pittard is obviously intent on ruining his son’s life because his son bears the name of the Guru he hates and loathes!

This from a man who allegedly wished for his son not be involved in the Sai Controversy and who actually considers himself a fit parent.

Sad. Very, very sad!

Brian Steel – Internet Propagandist Extraordinaire

Brian Steel published the following information on his official domain against Gerald Joe Moreno (a Pro-Sai Activist):

Brian Steel:
2. A list of Gerald ‘Joe’Moreno’s 16 known activist sites vigorously dedicated to discrediting and disparaging all critics of Sathya Sai Baba (2003-2008).

The beginning of the campaign (c2003) (pre-2004)
(Miscellaneous pro-SSB blogs from ?2003 or 2004)

A marked increase in activity and ferocity followed (?2006-) His major network of denunciations and disparagement of at least 16 writers and critics Also a major site, with links to main official and unofficial Sathya Sai Organisation sites.

His growing labyrinth of denunciatory (free) blogs against individual critics
(Those four sites are directed at a single critic)

The other major targets so far have been: (Especially about Dr Timothy Conway)
and yet another general all-purpose blog at

(Screencap Reference)

Brian Steel - Typical Propaganda Trash

Brian Steel - Typical Propaganda Trash

Exposing Brian Steel’s Shabby Research
About Brian Steel’s shabbily researched claims about Moreno’s websites and blogs, the following is to be noted:

  1. & & are the exact same domain and are not different domains that were created at different times. Since Brian Steel is a deficient researcher (who even attacked Moreno’s webpage about him without having read it), he is unaware of these basic facts. Read about the WWW extension on Wikipedia. Brian Steel attempted to deceive readers into believing that Moreno’s one domain was somehow three different websites / blogs. The “sathyasaibaba” extension on Moreno’s vishvarupa domain is simply a folder that contains a blog script. The “sathyasaibaba” folder was created in 2008, not “?2003 or 2004” as falsely presumed by Brian Steel. Moreno’s first webpage pertaining to the Sai Controversy was first created in October 2004, not “c 2003, pre-2004, ?2003” as imagined by Brian Steel.
  2. Brian Steel implied something sinister because Moreno provided links to official & non-official Sai-related websites on his domain. Since Moreno’s websites are specific to Sathya Sai Baba and the Sai Controversy, of course they are going to provide links to official & non-official Sai-related websites.
  3. About Moreno’s alleged “four” blogs attacking Sanjay Dadlani, it is to be noted that Brian Steel duplicated the link twice. Consequently, there are three blogs about Sanjay Dadlani, not “four” as falsely alleged by Brian Steel (who apparently can’s proof-read his sloppy “research”). Despite Brian Steel’s cry-baby whining about Moreno’s three blogs about Sanjay Dadlani, Brian Steel purposely suppressed the fact that Sanjay Dadlani created three blogs attacking Moreno:

    Sanjay Dadlani also attacked Moreno on two of his other blogs and on two Yahoo groups (one of which Sanjay took over):

    • sathyasaibabadiscussionclub (Yahoo Group)
    • sathyasaibaba2 (Yahoo Group)

    Why doesn’s Brian Steel complaint about Sanjay Dadlani’s attack blogs against Moreno? If multiple blogs are indicative of “discrediting and disparaging” others, then Ex-Devotee’s are just as guilty as Moreno.

  4. Brian Steel left out the following blogs by Moreno:
  5. Gerald Joe Moreno was forced to defend himself against Ex-Devotee’s hundreds of attack webpages against him. Ex-Devotees have similarly attacked hundreds of Sai Devotees & Non-Devotees alike. Therefore, it is easy to see why Moreno created multiple blogs defending himself. Afterall, Ex-Devotees are many whereas Moreno is one. Brian Steel failed to mention how Ex-Devotees attacked Sathya Sai Baba on hundreds of websites, domains and blogs (in multiple languages). Despite these facts, Brian Steel rather snivel about Moreno’s websites and blogs while omitting all relevant details about Ex-Devotee’s pervasive smear & gutter campaigns against Sathya Sai Baba and others. What more to expect from the Australian Spanish translator and internet propagandist Brian Steel?

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