Gerald Joe Moreno

Posts Tagged ‘Seral Rahm

Sathya Sai Baba And Alaya Rahm – The Failed & Self-Dismissed Lawsuit
A Shattered Illusion And Major Blow To The Anti-Sai Movement

Alaya Rahm’s sexual abuse allegations against Sathya Sai Baba gained world-wide exposure when his accounts were internationally broadcast on the Seduced By Sai Baba and Secret Swami documentaries. In addition to these two documentaries, Alaya Rahm’s allegations were nationally published in Britain (by The Telegraph newspaper) and in India (by the India Today magazine). Furthermore, Anti-Sai Activists have translated Alaya Rahm’s allegations into various languages and dispersed them on the internet through many Anti-Baba sites, forums, blogs and online groups.

If anyone was perceived to have a “solid case” against Sathya Sai Baba, for alleged sexual impropriety, it was Alaya Rahm. With many claims of witnesses and corroborated accounts, the packaged version of Alaya’s allegations (as presented by Anti-Sai Activists) seemed credible. The perception that Alaya Rahm has/had a “solid case” against Sathya Sai Baba is now an illusion.

When asked why no alleged victim has ever attempted to file a court case first-hand against Sathya Sai Baba in a court of law in India, Ex-Devotees repeatedly claimed that the Indian Judicial System is “legally corrupt” and that the Indian Justices are either devotees of Sathya Sai Baba or are being manipulated by high-ranking Indian Politicians.

Alaya Rahm’s lawsuit was not filed in India. It was filed in the Superior Court Of California, in the USA. Consequently, the argument of “legally corrupt” courts with justices being devotees of Sathya Sai Baba, or being manipulated by high-ranking Indian Politicians, cannot be used as an excuse with this case. Since the case was self-dismissed by Alaya Rahm himself, no verdict was issued and therefore no criticism or suspicion can be used against the judge who would have presided over the case (the case was dismissed before it went to trial).

Facts About The Bogus Lawsuit:

Alaya Rahm vs. Sathya Sai Baba Society, filed in the Superior Court of California on January 6th 2005, County Of Orange – USA, Case No. 05cc01931. California’s statute of limitations allows an individual to file a lawsuit, for alleged sexual molestation, up to their 26th birthday if they claim the events occurred before the age of 18. Alaya Rahm filed his case 2 days before the statute of limitations would have expired. Alaya Rahm’s birthday is January 8th 1979. The court set this case for trial on April 28, 2006. Rather than taking the case to trial, Alaya Rahm (the plaintiff) self-dismissed his own lawsuit on April 17th 2006. Alaya Rahm attempted to sue for money damages. No offers of settlement were made in this case and no money or other consideration was paid for a dismissal of the lawsuit. This case was dismissed “with prejudice” and is binding under the international doctrine of res judicata. This means that Alaya Rahm can never file another lawsuit against Sathya Sai Baba (in the USA or in India) for the same claims made in this case (Reference).

Alaya Rahm never sought medical or psychiatric treatment for alleged trauma and could not itemize any wage losses. Other alleged victims could have come forward and testified on Alaya Rahm’s behalf, however not even one single victim came forward (in answers to discovery) to support, defend or help Alaya Rahm (despite rampant and unsubstantiated claims by Ex-Devotees to there being “over a hundred” alleged victims in the USA). Alaya Rahm did not give a reason for self-dismissing his court case. It cannot be overemphasized that no deposition was filed and no witnesses came forward or were identified to the court on behalf of the plaintiff (Alaya Rahm).

Although Alaya Rahm’s accusations received some publicity before he filed his lawsuit, his claims were not thoroughly investigated until after his lawsuit was filed. The legal proceeding provided a forum in which Alaya Rah’s claims could be thoroughly and critically examined. Through this process of investigation, it was discovered that Alaya Rahm and his family spoke at a number of retreats and conferences between 1995 and 1999 (during the time that the alleged sexual abuse events were said to have occurred). Inconsistent with Alaya Rahm’s later accusations, these conference talks (many of which were recorded and transcribed: Refs: 0102), contain no suggestion of any wrongdoing. The earlier words spoken by Alaya Rahm would appear to refute his later accusations, especially his whole-hearted and enthusiastic praise of Sathya Sai Baba and the writing of a love poem to the guru after allegedly being sexually abused dozens of times.

During the handling of the lawsuit, witnesses were identified and interviewed who were present at the ashram in India when the events were alleged to have occurred, which formed the basis to Alaya Rahm’s lawsuit. One of these witnesses was Mr. Lewis Kreydick. Mr. Kreydick purchased Alaya Rahm’s ticket and accompanied him to India in 1995, accompanied Alaya Rahm to India in 1997 and was present in some of the interviews in which Alaya Rahm later claimed to have been sexually abused. The deposition from Mr. Kreydick was taken as discovery in this lawsuit.

Mr. Kreydick testified in a video-taped deposition that:

  1. He had a personal, close and confidential relationship with Alaya Rahm from 1995 to 1997.
  2. Alaya Rahm confided private and personal information with him that was not divulged to his parents (such as his numerous sexual activities with girls during his teen years).
  3. He spoke with Alaya Rahm on a daily basis when he was at the ashram in 1995 and 1997.
  4. Discussed the details of each interview Alaya Rahm received during that period.
  5. Even though Alaya Rahm openly shared confidential details about his sexual past with Kreydick, Alaya Rahm never related or suggested during that period of time that any misconduct, wrongdoing or sexual actions had transpired between him and Sathya Sai Baba. Kreydick testified that Alaya related only positive, enthusiastic and miraculous experiences with Sathya Sai Baba.

The video deposition from Mr. Kreydick was taken on March 16th 2006 and the typed deposition was signed on April 7th 2006. The very same day that the Defendant (Sathya Sai Baba Society) filed Kreydick’s deposition as part of the official record, Alaya Rahm self-dismissed his case. The very same day.

In “Response To Form Interrogatories” (Form Interrogatory No. 6.3, Set One) Alaya Rahm fully admitted that he had been a daily user of illegal street drugs and alcohol since at least 1999 – 2005. Consequently, during Alaya Rahm’s “Divine Downfall” and India Today Anti-Sai interviews and during the filming of the BBC Documentary “Secret Swami” and the “Seduced By Sai Baba” Danish Documentary, Alaya Rahm was under the influence of illegal street drugs and alcohol while relating his alleged sexual encounters with Sathya Sai Baba. This crucial information wholly undermines Alaya Rahm’s credibility and irreparably compromises the integrity of his claims. Needless to say, this information has been purposely suppressed from the general public by Anti-Sai Activists, the Rahm Family and the media (Ref).


UPDATE: About The Sathya Sai Baba Society Of America:

Some have erroneously claimed that the Sathya Sai Baba Society does not exist. These erroneous claims are patently false. The Sathya Sai Baba Society has functioned continuously as a charitable organization since 1970, having been incorporated in California by Elsie and Walter Cowan and John Hislop. It is the oldest continuously functioning fully chartered Sai related organization outside of India. A review of the publically accessible web site of the California Secretary of State, Department of Corporations (Ref) discloses its relevant particulars. The Society was served as a defendant and answered the complaint. By Clicking This Link and entering “Sathya Sai Baba Society” into a business search with the selection “Corporation Name”, one can find the current status for “Sathya Sai Baba Society”.

Click thumbnail to enlarge:

Sathya Sai Baba Society Status As Of May 14th 2010

Sathya Sai Baba Society Status As Of May 14th 2010

UPDATE: Regarding Kreydick’s Deposition:

Anti-Sai Activists (particularly Robert Priddy) have erroneously claimed that Kreydick’s deposition is not part of the offiical court record and cannot be obtained by the general public. These statements are patently false.

On the Superior Court Of California Website >>> Click on Case Info >>> Click On “Accept Terms” >>> Click On “Case” >>> Enter the Case Number “05cc01931” >>> All of the pertinent information about Alaya Rahm’s self-dismissed court case are provided. All items under “Register Of Actions” can be obtained by the general public (for a fee) because they are now public record. This can be confirmed through the records department: (714) 834-2200 >>> Press 1 for English >>> Press 6 >>> Press 0 >>> Request the records department >>> Inquire about records listed on County Court Of Orange website (however, they cannot give specifics over the phone).

On 3/16/2006, under “Stipulation – Other”, Kreydick’s deposition was obtained: Reference. On 4/17/2006, a “Proof Of Service” was filed: Reference. On 4/17/2006, 4 motions were filed in limine by the Society (showing under “Motion/Hearing-Other”). Kreydick’s deposition is attached as an exhibit to motion in limine number 4 (with court file stamp showing) and is a part of the official court record: Reference. Therefore, Kreydick’s deposition was filed as part of the official court record. One need only request the four motions made on 4/17/2006 to verify this fact. Furthermore, the scans show the stamp on the top of the page that clearly states: “FILED Superior Court Of California County Of Orange Central Justice Center, APR 17 2006”.

Click thumbnail to enlarge:

County Of Orange - Full Online Court Records

County Of Orange - Full Online Court Records

Also See:

Al Rahm’s Email To Gerald Joe Moreno – A Response To Internet Proxy Barry Pittard

Barry Pittard (a caustic critic and defamer of Sathya Sai Baba and others) wrote an article babbling about Al Rahm’s Explanatory Letter To Gerald Joe Moreno. Barry Pittard accused Moreno of being a “Sathya Sai Baba Internet Proxy”. If the argument of being an “internet proxy” is supposed to compromise Moreno’s arguments, then Barry Pittard shot himself in the foot because he is a self-appointed Internet Proxy & Proxy Defamer for alleged “victims”.

About Al Rahm’s explanatory letter, Barry Pittard left out highly relevant facts that would severely compromise the integrity of his arguments had he included them.

  1. First and foremost, it is noteworthy that we never hear from Alaya Rahm in these matters but rather from his parents (particularly Al Rahm) and Ex-Devotees. Alaya is now and at all times relevant has been an adult and presumably capable of expressing his own opinions and advancing his own claims. This is important to point out because one cannot truly know if Alaya’s parents or Ex-Devotees are actually or accurately expressing Alaya’s position. Since Ex-Devotees, Al Rahm and Marisa Rahm never claimed to have personally witnessed an incident of alleged molestation regarding Alaya, their assertions and comments regarding Alaya’s alleged experiences are entirely hearsay.
  2. Al Rahm also has a disturbing history of changing and exaggerating claims and comments made in association with Alaya Rahm. Even more disturbing is when Al Rahm personally lied to Gerald Joe Moreno (Ref), claiming that Basava Premanand filed a recent lawsuit against the Sai Organization (a claim that Premanand was unwilling to concede to and was apparently unaware of).
  3. In “Response To Form Interrogatories” in Alaya Rahm’s self-dismissed lawsuit against the Sathya Sai Baba Society (Form Interrogatory No. 6.3, Set One) Alaya Rahm fully admitted that he had been a daily user of illegal street drugs and alcohol from 1995 – 2005. Consequently, during Alaya Rahm’s “Divine Downfall” and India Today Anti-Sai interviews and during the filming of the BBC Documentary “Secret Swami” and the “Seduced By Sai Baba” Danish Documentary, Alaya Rahm was under the influence of illegal street drugs and alcohol while relating his alleged sexual encounters with Sathya Sai Baba. This crucial information wholly undermines Alaya Rahm’s credibility and irreparably compromises the integrity of his claims. Needless to say, Alaya Rahm’s alcoholism and drug addiction have been purposely suppressed from the general public by Anti-Sai Activists, Barry Pittard, Robert Priddy, the Rahm Family, Tanya Datta, the BBC and the media (Ref).
  4. Supporting Alaya Rahm’s involvement with illegal street drugs and drug addicts is a secondary court case in November 2007 where Alaya Rahm testified on behalf of his friend Valdez T Woods, who was arrested and convicted for possession of crack cocaine and marijuana with the intent to deliver (PDF Reference). As a matter of fact, Valdez T Woods was arrested within a mile of Alaya Rahm’s then current residence (as revealed in official court records). Alaya Rahm was identified as a “friend and associate” of drug dealer and drug addict Valdez T Woods.
  5. In pretrial discovery, Alaya Rahm claimed he suffered no psychological trauma that would have required medical or psychiatric care. Alaya identified no psychologist who had ever examined him and his parents never had Alaya undergo psychological counseling despite their repeated and boisterous claims that Alaya was “seriously sexually molested”. The only help that Alaya obtained was a 3 day seminar from the Landmark Forum on “Empowerment, self help and personal growth” that cost $795 in June 2005 (5 years after his alleged abuse and 5 months after he filed his lawsuit)! That’s it. It would appear that Al & Marisa Rahm were incredibly negligent in getting psychological help for their “seriously sexually molested” son.

Don’t expect Barry Pittard to mention any of these facts. Apparently, the testimony of a decade-long, daily-user of illegal street drugs and alcohol seeking a money settlement who suffered no emotional trauma that warranted psychological or medical care is credible in the eyes of Barry Pittard.

If Barry Pittard thinks these facts are trivial, why doesn’t he mention or discuss them? Instead, Barry Pittard blathers about Moreno, blithely tossing around terms like “defamation” and “libel” although Alaya Rahm’s drug addiction and alcoholism were self-disclosed in official court records.

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